By Margot Isman
Spotlight on Natasha Felder: YSRP Stoneleigh Fellow
The Villanova Law Institute to Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) honored current YSRP Stoneleigh Foundation Emerging Leader Fellow Natasha Felder (CWSL ’16) with an article about her fellowship. As the article notes, “Prior to securing this position, Natasha worked as a residential treatment counselor at The Village in Rosemont, PA and as a Philadelphia County juvenile probation officer. She also has experience working as a reintegration worker for youth who are adjudicated delinquent in Philadelphia. Needless to say, Natasha has dedicated her professional career to addressing the circumstances and improving the outcomes for children involved in the juvenile justice system.”
Read more about Natasha’s experience and her work at YSRP to develop a comprehensive resource guide for court-appointed attorneys tasked with representing girls who have been charged as adults — HERE. The purpose of the resource guide is to educate defense attorneys and other stakeholders about the complicated issues that specifically affect girls involved in the criminal justice system in unique ways—including sexual abuse history and trauma, pregnancy, housing instability, and the lack of adequate educational or vocational opportunities.
Learn more about the Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellowship here.