YSRP featured on PBS series on the lives of returning citizens
In a recent episode of “Returning Citizens: Life Beyond Incarceration” featuring YSRP, host Paul Butler focuses on the historical implications of trying and sentencing youth as adults. The episode, entitled…
YSRP Featured Alongside Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel in a Special Segment of Fox29’s “SOS: Juvenile Justice”
Following a recent increase in incidents of gun violence among Philadelphia’s youth, Fox29’s Kelly Rule welcomed representatives and advocates from the juvenile justice sector for a special segment: SOS: Juvenile…
Philadelphia 76ers Assist for Safe Communities Partners with Youth Sentencing and Reentry Project to Combat Gun Violence
Philadelphia, PA – December 2023 – The Youth Sentencing and Reentry Project (YSRP) is proud to announce its partnership with the Philadelphia 76ers Assist for Safe Communities initiative. This partnership…
YSRP Legislative Priorities Moving in Pennsylvania!
The Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to advance HB 1381 today, which YSRP hopes will usher in a more humane era of support and care for youth involved in the criminal legal system.
YSRP Celebrates 7th Anniversary of Montgomery Decision
YSRP staff gathered on February 1, 2023, to celebrate freedom and commemorate the 7th anniversary of the landmark Montgomery v. Louisiana US Supreme Court decision with former Juvenile Lifers, advocates, and movement leaders.
YSRP’s John Pace on The Jawncast Podcast from KYW Newsradio
YSRP’s Senior Reentry Coordinator John Pace talks with The Jawncast podcast from KYW Newsradio about hiring formerly-incarcerated people.
YSRP Quoted in Daily Kos
YSRP staff comments in a recent Daily Kos piece about what justice looks like for children charged as adults in PA.
Youth Leader Calls on PA Legislators to End Youth Incarceration in The Inquirer
Read this powerful op-ed by Briannah Stoves, a Youth Leader in the Care, Not Control campaign.
YSRP Welcomes Interim Executive Director, Bianca van Heydoorn
On February 15th, 2022 YSRP welcomed its Interim Executive Director, Bianca van Heydoorn. Bianca comes to YSRP as an established, respected, and trusted leader in the Criminal Justice field.